Give it Away Now…
To quote the Red Hot Chili Peppers, “Giveitaway, giveitaway, giveitaway, now.”
What do I suggest you give away? All your knowledge about what you do.
“Impossible!” you say. “ If I tell clients and prospects how you manage to create those great financial plans, investment ideas, trading programs, and all your other secret sauces, won’t they just take that information and go do it on their own?”
Well, if you watched a YouTube video on changing the oil in the family SUV, would you be suddenly inclined to don mechanic overalls and start pulling apart your car in the driveway? Or would it make you more likely to trolly on down to Grease Monkey and gladly pay the fee?
There is a reason our clients and prospects are sitting in front of you. They don’t want to do what you do.
You don’t need to make it seem secret or scary. Maybe it’s enough to let them see how essentially boring so many of our job duties are.
At the same time, they don’t want to be talked down to like they are too dumb to understand your process. In fact, if you are giving the impression that they are too dumb to understand your process, one of two things are happening:
By trying to prove you are smarter than your clients, you aren’t explaining your value proposition well.
Your process IS that complicated, which probably doesn’t bode well for your long-term results in the business.
By giving webinars, writing blogs, and recording videos that make your process transparent, you aren’t chasing clients away to open their own investment firm. You are reinforcing that they do not want to spend time doing the things you are doing for them.
“Wow,” says your client, “After watching that webinar on rebalancing, I’m sure glad I’m not doing that every quarter. Frank the Financial Fanatic is worth every penny I pay him!”
Better marketing leads to higher trust which leads to more new clients and wallet share of the clients you already have.