Making Time for Making Content
Not to brag (so now you know a brag is coming), but once a friend told me she was in awe of my consistency of sending e-newsletters.
She is a small businesswoman like me and finds it difficult to consistently send out content. Which is too bad, because I love her newsletter and always open to see what nuggets of wisdom she passes along. But then, months will go buy and, as they say, crickets.
For context, my frequency has been once per week since 2016. Am I so dedicated to penning financial blurbs that on my elaborate vacations I’m still writing them? Hardly. And by “hardly” I’m referring to my elaborate vacations.
But really, taking time out each week to write a blog has never appealed to me. It’s too disruptive, plus you can never get into a flow just writing one thing at a time.
Instead, I set aside 60 minutes per month to write 4-5 blogs. These little articles then are bundled off to my social media company in one Word document for newsletter and social media post creation.
Being in the writing mode helps me focus and write more quickly. Plus, if a blog I am writing is running long, I’ll know it right away. Then, magic! Split the long blog into two or three shorter ones and voila! There is a series for several weeks in a row.
Doing something once per month sounds so much better than once per week, even if the monthly takes a little longer. Find a cadence that works for you but be faithful with your timing. Your readers like to know you are out there, even if they don’t read each blog.