Lead Generators Can Save You Time While Building Your Business

Do you remember back in the day when we used to spend a TON of time going to in-person networking events that may or may not have generated viable leads? Coffees that would last an entire morning, evening events when you had to find a babysitter, and rooms full of people that gave you just that slightest twinge (or full-blown) anxiety.

These days, thanks to the wonders of technology, in-person networking can be just part of your business-building strategy because much of our business-building can be done online. And that means it’s possible for us to be more efficient.

There are many things you can do to build your business digitally.

  • Email marketing is a huge piece of the puzzle. Stay constant and connected.

  • Take a few moments each day to comment on other professionals’ posts on LinkedIn or the social media platform of your choice.

  • Have lead generators on your website that add value for the visitor and that capture the email addresses of the people you’d like to work with.

Here’s the Upfront Work

Let’s get real here: sometimes to be efficient in the long run means putting forth some work upfront. There are many ways to automate your marketing these days, but that still requires some setup or finding the right professional to implement your vision.

This can be true for lead generators. Here’s what that entails:

  • Creating a lead generator that resonates with your target audience. Is it an eBook, course, webinar, or guide? It’s important to understand how your ideal client likes to get their information.

  • Understanding the problem they need to solve and getting specific about it. Get GRANULAR. We’ll talk about why that’s important in a minute.

  • Setting up a drip email campaign that is automated and provides 6-8 touchpoints over the next couple of months after they’ve opted in.

Here’s the Payoff

Did I lose you? Hang on. I know this sounds like a lot of work, but once you’re done…you’re DONE.

Setting up an effective lead generator can be an incredibly efficient way to grow your business:

  • If done right, you’ve created a lead generator that identifies a specific problem for a specific type of client. This makes follow-up (and showcasing your expertise in this area) SO MUCH EASIER. You’re now able to reach out in a meaningful way - hopefully through the drip email campaign that you’re setting up that keeps helping the subscriber solve the problem.

  • If you’ve created a lead generator for your ideal client, you’ve now eliminated unnecessary meetings. If the lead generator is more broad, you’re about to spend a lot of time in initial meetings that don’t lead to business. It might be exciting at first to book 50 meetings in a month until you realized you’ve spend hours on calls that wasted your time. Get specific and let the lead generator do the vetting for you.

  • Yes, setting up a drip email campaign can take time - but think of how much time you’ll save not emailing a bunch of people over and over again. Once this has been created and is triggered by your lead generator, all that’s left to do is meet those new clients!

If you’re a financial advisor, Advisor Script has done 90% of this work for you.

  • We’ve created eBooks that target specific types of people and identify specific problems.

  • We’ve made these eBooks fun and eye-catching.

  • We’ve already written the drip email campaign for you.

Is it time for you to start building your business with clients you WANT to work with?


Outsourcing is Awesome!


How to Use Case Studies in Your Marketing