Outsourcing is Awesome!

Four business things I am happy to pay others to do:

  1. Create and maintain my website

  2. Taxes

  3. Setting up a new computer or phone

  4. Create and maintain my social media presence in the world.

Things you might wish were done for your business:

  1. Blog writing

  2. Newsletter formatting

  3. E-mail list management

  4. Lead generation

  5. All of the above


The bad news:  Whether you enjoy it or not, staying in front of clients and prospects in a way that is interesting and authentic is crucial to maintaining and growing your business. 

Feeling that they don’t hear from their advisor is a top reason for clients switching to someone else.  And really, this is so EASY to avoid.

The good news:  Most of the activities required to create goodwill, make clients feel attended to, and make prospects remember you are available for hire. 

Now, I like forming my own content, but for many financial planner friends, the thought of regular writing brings on hives. 

What I really don’t enjoy is being on social media websites and posting.  I think I was one of the last Facebook users and that only happened so I could keep track of where my theater group was meeting for happy hour.

Don’t let your fear of the time or creative effort it takes to communicate with your clients be the very thing that loses them. 

You can always hire experts to:

  • Write e-newsletter content that can double as website blogs and social media posts.

  • Post regularly on the social media platforms that make sense for your business, thereby increasing traffic to your website.

  • Speaking of, employ a web design expert to audit your site for current formatting, key words to boost SEO, and mobile phone compatibility.

  • Customer Relationship Management.  My method of following up with clients and prospects was absolutely Stone Age until I hired an expert to recommend and COMPLETELY SET UP a CRM system for me.  The time this system saved while making me more responsive to clients and prospects is worth many times what I paid.

  • Create useful content to offer on your website:  Classes, eBooks, Calculators, and more.


Outsourcing tasks you dread will probably cost much less than you think and pay high dividends in the form of time saved, prospects discovered, and client satisfaction.  Go for it!


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