Industry Insights | Marketing Tools | Random Thoughts
Creating a 2025 Marketing Budget for Your Financial Planning Practice
Hard to believe that we’re about to embark on 2025. Yes, you have some time left, but you’re likely starting to think about your budget for the new year and wondering where your hard-earned dollars should go when trying to build your business.
Planners Gonna Plan
Now is the time of year when we are creating our intentions for a business that is better, stronger, more profitable and easier to manage. Here are some to-dos to help move you to that next level of prosperity.
What is a Drip Email Marketing Campaign and How Can it Help You Get New Business?
There are a lot of email marketing tools out there for you to use that you just basically plug and play. You don’t have to do a thing to create them - you just download an email list and let them go.
The problem is that thousands of other financial advisors are doing the same damn thing.
Outsourcing is Awesome!
Whether you enjoy it or not, staying in front of clients and prospects in a way that is interesting and authentic is crucial to maintaining and growing your business.
Lead Generators Can Save You Time While Building Your Business
These days, thanks to the wonders of technology, in-person networking can be just part of your business-building strategy because much of our business-building can be done online. And that means it’s possible for us to be more efficient.
How to Use Case Studies in Your Marketing
What are case studies in marketing and how can you use them to engage your audience and convert clients?
Shake it up, Baby
Do people really want to read about Roth Conversions, Estate Taxes, and Asset Allocation every week? The answer is no. Therefore, and ergo, I am providing some ideas to shake up your content and keep those opening rates high.
Getting Over the Getting-Started Hump: Deciding What to Write
With a little creativity and practice, you will be the person whose newsletters your clients look forward to receiving.
How to Identify Your Ideal Client Before You Spend Money on Marketing
Understanding your ideal client is akin to finding the Holy Grail. It’s a crucial step in shaping your marketing strategies, refining your products or services, and ensuring overall business growth. But how do you identify who your ideal client is?
How to Create a Lead Generator That Attracts Quality Clients to Your Website
While an influx of leads can be exciting, it can also become overwhelming and counterproductive if those leads aren't the right fit for your business. Here’s why focusing on quality over quantity is essential, and how you can create a lead generator that brings in only the clients you want to work with.
Like anything you feel weird about doing, with practice, recording video messages gets better. It’s an easy way for your clients and future clients to feel like they know and trust you. And refer you. And continue doing business with you. Isn’t that the whole point?
Be the First Person Your Prospect Thinks of When Life Happens
For those of us working in the service industry, it's crucial to understand that we can’t predict exactly when a client will feel inspired to contact us. Everyone has their own unique trigger points, and it's our job to be present when those moments happen.